
A n eutron changes into a proton and an electron
A n eutron changes into a proton and an electron

This is of course, larger than the speed of light. So this becomes too Times elementary charge 1.6 times 10 to the minus 19 Cool ums squared over mass of the electron 9.1 times 10 to the negative 31 kilograms times The radius, which has given 1.5 have some of the negative meters, gives you the velocity of 8.2 1/10 10 of the eight meters per second. One is, uh, my speak you to is twice me twice the elementary charge for a hearing nucleus is, um, charge. So you plug in values no two times nine times 10 of the 19 s i units times, um, electrons. So the helium nuclear a nucleus is charge. One Q two over em are the square root of that, um and so the key one is the electron's charge negative. The velocity of the electron will be initial velocity will be two times carry times. One Q two over our, um, and so velocity going to tell you what these are affect.

a n eutron changes into a proton and an electron

Orbiting around the nucleus at a very high speed are the electrons. You can’t convert a positive particle into a negative particle. This is impossible because charge is not conserved. The proton stays in the nucleus and increases the atomic number by one, and the electron is ejected from the nucleus. Explanation: Yes, this is what happens in decay.

a n eutron changes into a proton and an electron

Is that electrons? Initial kinetic energy, and that's converted Teoh que Times Q. Each proton has a single positive charge. A neutron transforms into a proton and an electron. See, we note that you can convert the kinetic energy to ah, potential energy electric potential. This is why the chain reaction ends there. It is an extremely stable electronic and atomic configuration, with the to enter to inter electrons to outer electrons and shielding from the general of of the in the end of the nucleus from the end of electrons. Charges conserved, Um, and so the next part asks for Why is the final product a helium atom? This is because of helium.


So for a charge, conservation of zero on the left hand side of plus one minus one plus zero on the right hand side, it's a charge is conserved in a beta decay reaction. And a neutrino, which is a neutral particle. This reaction can only occur within an atomic nucleus which has a quantum state at lower energy available for the created neutron. Positively charged on an electron, which is negatively charge. The proton decays into a neutron, a positron, and an electron neutrino. So the first part asks for why the maid of decay? Whether enough charge considered animated a case of a neutron just neutral eyes converted to a proton.

a n eutron changes into a proton and an electron

SOLVED:One form of nuclear radiation, beta decay, occurs when a neutron changes into a proton, an electron, and a neutral particle called a neutrino: n \rightarrow p^$ With what minimum speed must the electron be ejected if it is to escape from the nucleus and not fall back?Īll right.

A n eutron changes into a proton and an electron